Water Conservation
The sending down of water is a mercy unto mankind as attested by the following verses of the Quran: “We sent down pure water.” (25:48)
“We send forth the winds which fill the clouds with water and We make the rain descend from the sky. Then we grant it to you for drinking and you do not have control of its treasures.” (15:22)
Commenting on this verse, Allamah Shabbir Ahmad Uthmani Rahmatullahi alaih states: “The rainy winds bring heavy clouds filled with water. Then the rain descends from these clouds and fills the rivers, springs and wells for your benefit. If Allah willed, He would not have made it drinkable. However out of his compassion, He made very sweet and palatable water collect in the crevices of the earth for your drinking purposes throughout the 12 months. Furthermore you do not have any authority over the treasures of rain nor are the springs and wells in your control. When Allah wills, He sends down the rain. Neither can you prevent it nor can you bring it when you desire. If He dries up the water of the wells and springs or He makes it go deeper into the ground beyond the reach of man, then how can you have control over it?
Mufti Muhammad Shafee Rahmatullahi alaih writes: “This divine system of providing water has thousands of bounties within it. Firstly, it is a great favour (of Allah) to create this water. The second bounty is to make it reach all parts of the earth by means of the clouds. The third gratuity is to make it palatable. To provide man with the opportunity to drink it is the fourth favour. The fifth benignancy is to provide a complete and perfect system of storing this water (by means of rivers, springs, wells, etc.). Then to afford man the opportunity of satisfying himself with this water is the sixth act of divine benevolence because the water can be present but there can be some impediment or obstacle which prevents him from drinking it. The verse, “Then we grant it to you for drinking and you do not have control of its treasures,” is an indication to this divine benefaction. Glory be to Allah, the best of Creators. (Ma’ariful Quran Vol 5 Page 281)
“Do you see the water which you drink. Do you make it descend from the clouds or are We the Descenders? If We so desire, We can make it bitter. Then why are you not thankful?” (56:69,70)
Nabi,'(Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam), after drinking water used to say: “All praise be to Allah who provided us with sweet palatable water to drink and He did not make it bitter and salty due to our sins.” (Ibn Katheer)
If we are grateful for these favours of Allah, He will grant us more. We as Muslims should be setting an example to other communities on how to conserve water and not to be wasteful. “Indeed those who squander are the brothers of Shaytaan.”
Buraydah Radiallahu anhu narrates that Nabi Saliallahu alaihi wasallam said: “Whenever a nation refrained from paying their zakaat, Allah inflicted them with drought and poverty.” (Tabrani)
Hadhrat Muaaz Radiallahu anhu narrates that Rasulullah said: “Guard yourselves against sin because the wrath of Allah descends in the wake of sin.” (sunan Ahmad)
Rasulullah Saliallahu alaihi wasallam said: “Verily, man is deprived of sustenance because of the sins which he perpetrates.” (Sunan Ahmad)
Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umar Radiallahu Anhuma narrates that once ten of them were in the company of Rasuluilah Saliallahu alaihi wasallam when he said: “I seek the protection of Allah from five things which may overtake you. When immorality becomes rampant in a people, they will be overtaken by epidemics and such diseases which never existed before. When a nation is involved in giving less weight and measure, it will be overtaken by famine, hardship and oppression of the authorities. When a community stops paying Zakaat, rain is withheld from them. If it were not for the animals in their midst, never would rain have fallen for them. When people violate pledges and promises, Allah will overwhelm them with their enemies from other nations. Thus the enemy will take their wealth by force. (ibn majah).
“Whatever calamity afflicts you is due to your actions and Allah overlooks many sins.” When a catastrophe afflicts a nation, it does not only affect the individual sinners, but it engulfs the entire community, the pious as well as the impious. It is therefore imperative to reform ourselves, refrain from sins and execute the orders of Allah Ta’ala.
In this regard, hereunder follow some guidelines for the preservation of water.
* A Muslim should be thrifty and cautious in the usage of water at all time; not only during a drought. Even if one’s at the bank of a river, it is not permissible to squander the water and use it as one likes. Only that amount must be used which suffices for one’s needs.
* Whilst making wudu, one should not let the tap run continuously. The tap should not be opened full. Whilst making masah etc. one should close the tap.
* Do not engage in conversation in’the ablution block whilst making wudu. Besides wasting water, talking of worldly things during wudu is incorrect and abominable.
* When taking a ghusl, less water is used by utilising a bucket. If one has to use a shower, one should do so with moderation and not let excessive amounts of water be wasted.
* Avoid extravagant use of water when washing the car or watering the garden. Sprinklers should not be left open for such a long period that the water begins to flow off the lawn or the flower patch.
* Mend all leaking taps and pipes as this can lead to a substantial saving in water.
In short, conserve this precious bounty in whatever way you can.
May Allah Ta’ala forgive our shortcomings and shower us with abundant beneficial rain.
Madrasah Arabia lslamia – Azaadville – South Africa
Courtesy: www.everymuslim.co.za ?