Vocabulary Of The Quraan
A Publication PLUS an Audio production to assist in learning Qur’anic Arabic.Ideal for ALL who wish to understand Qur’anic Arabic.
As one examines the statistics of the words of the Qur’an, the new words in each Juz decreases drastically. This is due to the fact that so many words are repeated many times in the Qur’an. The ” VOCABULARY OF THE QURAN” contains approximately 1500 words which are repeated a total number of approximately 62400 times which is approximately 80 % of the total number of the words in the Glorious Quran. In effect by memorising these 1500 words, one would be able to translate 62 400 words which is 80 % of the words of the Quran. This outstanding achievement is easily reachable to ALL -Young or old, novice or expert. By Spending 5 to 10 minutes per day by Learning the Vocabulary of the Quran and in a short while with some effort, one will be able to understand atleast a large portion of the literal translation of the Quran. ALL can understand the meaning and enjoy the literary beauty of the Glorious Qur’an to a great extent.Insha-Allah.
Join Qari Ayoob Essack and Moulana Moosa Leher in this wonderful journey of understanding Quranic Arabic in the Audio presentation in which the Arabic Words with their meanings are repeated to make memorising easy.
The Vocabulary of the Quran- Can be used at the office, whilst travelling, at madressah, Islamic schools, Islamic Institutions and at home with the family. Ideal for ALL who wish to understand Qur’anic Arabic. From young to old, from a novice to an expert.
The Vocabulary of the Qur’an pack comes with the:-
1. Vocabulary of the Quran Book with THE AUDIO( 3 casettes ) PLUS
2. The DICTIONARY of the Qur’an which contains the meanings of the words of the Glorious Qur’an from Surah Fatihah to Surah Naas.
Understand what you are reading in Salaah. Make your Qur’an recitation(tilawah) more meaningful and gain the closeness of Allah Ta’ala by understanding what you read in the Glorious Qur’an. Experience the journey of understanding Qur’anic Arabic and PURCHASE your VOCABULARY OF THE QURAN PACKAGE NOW!!
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