Umme Salma (r.a.) – wife of Rasulullah (saw)
After the demise of Hadhrat Zainub binti Khuzaima (radhiAllaahu anha), Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) married Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha). After her marriage to Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) she stayed in the same home which Hadhrat Zainub binti Khuzaima (radhiAllaahu anha) stayed. Umme Salma was her title, her name was Hindah. Her father’s name was Abu Umayya, who was well known for his generosity. He used to spend well upon his companions when he was on a journey, therefore he was known as “Zaadur Rukaab” (provision for the travellers). Her mother’s name was Aatika, who was from the tribe of Bani Faraas.
Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) was also amongst those fortunate persons who were the first to accept Islaam. Her first Nikah was to her cousin, Abdullah Bin Abde Asad (radhiAllaahu anhu), who was the foster brother and cousin of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). He was also from amongst the first to accept Islaam. It has been recorded about him that he was the eleventh person to accept Islaam. He migrated with his wife, Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) to Abyssinia, where one son, by the name of Salma was born to them. Owing to him his father was titled Abu Salam and his mother Umme Salma. After they returned from Abyssinia they made Hijrat to Madinah Tayyibah. However, this Hijrat was not carried out by them together, they came separately.
The Hijrat of Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha), was one such incident in which displays the severe torment and suffering borne by the women during the time of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) herself narrates this incident. She says: “ When Abu Salma intended to make Hijrat, he got the camel ready, with a howdah (canopy) on top, where in I and Salma sat. As we were leaving Abu Salma held the rein and walked ahead. When we passed the tribe of Banu Mughaira, who was the tribe of my father, they told Abu Salma that he cannot take me with him. They took hold of the reins, and took me by force. When the family of Abu Salma, i.e. the tribe of Abde Asad, heard of this they started fighting with the Banu Mughaira. They said that the Banu Mughaira must keep me if they wished but they cannot the child, Salma, so they grabbed Salma and took him. Now, my husband, baby and I were all separated.
Abu Salma reached Madinah Tayyibah and stayed at Quba. I remained with my tribesmen and my child was with my in-laws. This incident and separation affected me so much that I used to go out to the desert daily, there I would cry profusely and return in the evening. This continued for a year. I could not meet my husband nor see my child. One day, a cousin of mine took pity on me and told the family, that why are they not allowing me to be united with my husband or child. Eventually they consented to my going to my husband, and when my husband family heard of this they also sent my son.
Now, I made preparations for the journey to Madinah. I acquired a camel and took my son and left. After about 3 to 4 miles away from Macca Mukarrama, I met up with Uthmaan Bin Talha. He asked me as to where I was going all alone. I replied that I am going to Madinah Tayyibah to meet with my husband. He asked if anyone was accompanying me. I replied that Allaah Ta?ala and my son (are my companions). When I said this he caught hold of the reins of my camel, and walked in front of me. I take an oath, I never saw a more honourable person than Uthmaan amongst the Arabs. Whenever we reached a stop, he would make the camel sit down and he would go under some tree and sit down, when it was time to go, he would bring the camel and move away and allow me to mount. After I had mounted, he would take hold of the reins and walk in front. In this way he took me to Madinah Shareef. When we reached near the tribe of Bani Amar bin Auf, he told me that my husband is here. He made salaam and he departed.” –[Uthmaan bin Talha was not a Muslim at that time, he accepted Islaam later]
When Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) reached Madinah Munawwarah, she started staying with her husband. There another son (Umar) and two daughters (Dara and Zainub) were born to them.
Hadhrat Abu Salma (radhiAllaahu anhu) participated in the battles of Badr and Uhud. At the battle of Uhud, he sustained an injury, which healed. Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) appointed him as a commander of an army detachment, on his return, this wound of his opened up, and he passed away as a result of this in Jamaaduth Thaani 4 A.H.
After his demise, Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha), who was pregnant at the time gave birth to a daughter (Zainub). Her Iddat terminated at the birth of this daughter.
After she had completed her Iddat, Hadhrat Abu Bakr (radhiAllaahu anhu) sent a proposal for marriage, but she refused. Thereafter she married Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam).
Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) had a great deal of affection for her first husband. Once, Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) said: “I have heard that if a husband and wife are both Jannatis, then if the wife does not get married after her husband’s demise, they will be united in Jannat, or if the husband does not take another wife after his first wife’s death, then they will meet in Jannat. Therefore, let us make a pact, that whichever of us leaves this world first, the other will not remarry.”
Hadhrat Abu Salma (radhiAllaahu anhu) said: “Where will you follow this?” Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) said that she would make this pact, so that she could abide by it.
Hadhrat Abu Salma (radhiAllaahu anhu) said: “You should remarry after me. You should make this du?aa that ‘ Oh Allaah, give Umme Salma a better husband, who will not cause her any grief of difficulty.”
Allaah Ta?ala made it such that the advice of Hadhrat Abu Salma (radhiAllaahu anhu), proved very beneficial in favour of Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha), and Allaah Ta?ala accepted this du?aa. She was honoured with being the wife of Hadhrat Muhammed Mustafa (sallallahu alaihi wasallam).
Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) reports that Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said that whoever is afflicted with calamity, and he reads the following du?aa:
“Verily we are from Allaah Ta?ala and unto Him is our return. Oh Allaah Ta?ala reward me in my difficulty and compensate me with something better (in it’s place).”
Then Allaah Ta?ala will surely give this person something better in return. Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) says further: “When Abu Salma passed away, then this narration came to my mind, and I thought to myself that why should I read this du?aa, because there is no one better than Abu Salma. He was the first person to make Hijrat from his home. Nevertheless, I read this du?aa. The result of which, Allaah Ta?ala had blessed me with the honour of entering into Nikah with Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam).”
Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) also reports that when Hadhrat Abu Salma (radhiAllaahu anhu) passed away, she was stricken with grief. She says: “I thought to myself that Abu Salma was on foreign soil, where none of his family were. I intend to cry profusely over his demise. As I was getting ready to cry, a woman was coming to me, in order to cry with me, when she met Rasulullaah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) on the way. Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) came to know of her intention, and he (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said to her: “Do you wish to allow shaitaan to enter that home where he was expelled from previously?” When I heard of this, I immediately put an end to the crying.
When Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) sent a proposal to her, she excused herself, by saying that she had small children, whom she still had to bring up, and she also said that there was no benefit in her remarrying, because she had already reached a ripe age. She said that she was also not able to bear any more children and that she had a tendency to be ‘possessive’ (which would result in difficulty with living with other co-wives). She also said that she had no Wali (guardian).
Rasulullaah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said that regarding (her excuse of) age, he (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) was elder than her. Regarding the children, Allaah Ta?ala is the Protector, and she should have any difficulty in bringing them up properly. He (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said that he will also consider them and make du?aa to Allaah Ta?ala. Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) told her that her ‘possessiveness’ will diminish and no Wali of yours would object to your marriage to me. The result was that Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) accepted the proposal and she was married to Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). The Nikah was in the month of Shawwal.
She was housed in the same house where Hadhrat Zainub binti Khuzaima (radhiAllaahu anha) was housed. When Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) came in to the house, she saw an earthen jar, a mill and a saucepan (cooking pot). She crushed some barley and made ‘Maalidah’ (a type of crushed bread). She fed this, which she made with her own hands, to Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) on the first day.
Hadhrat Aisha (radhiAllaahu anha) says: “When Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) married Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha), I became very grieved,(in that he (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) should not now give her more attention), the reason being that she was famous for her beauty. I made a plan to see her and truly she was extremely beautiful. I mentioned this to Hafsa, and she said that Umme Salma was not as beautiful as she was reputed to be. (After I heard this) Her (Umme Salma’s) beauty also fell from my eyes.” [Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) was very beautiful, however this type of attitude is normal for co-wives and such mannerisms are normal to human nature, i.e. one may be psychologically affected by another’s attitude] .
Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) was extremely intelligent and wise. It is recorded in “Al-Isaaba”: “Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) was extremely beautiful. She is reckoned amongst the intelligent and one who gives sound advice.”
During the occasion of the treaty of Hudaibia, Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) had a dilemma, which Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) assisted in solving.
In the 6th year Of Hijri, Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) left from Madinah Munawwarah to make Umrah in Macca Muazzama. When the Mushrikeen of Macca heard of this they came with a crowd, and stopped the Muslims at the place of Hudaibia. The Sahabahs who were always ready to give their lives for Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), were prepared for war, but Nabi-e-Paak (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) preferred entering into a treaty. Although the Sahabahs were ready for battle, Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) agreed in the treaty to every condition of the Kuffaar (which appeared to benefit only the Kuffaar and was disadvantageous to the Muslims). After the treaty was signed and sealed, Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) told the Sahabah to make ready for their return to Madinah Tayyibah (because one of the conditions of the treaty was that the Muslims were not to make Umrah that year but they were to return the following year). Rasulullaah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) told the Sahabah to (come out of their Ihraams),slaughter their sacrificial animals (Qurbani) , shave their heads and make ready for the return to Madinah. (The Sahabah had come intending to make Umrah, and they saw that by taking off their Ihraams, their Umrah would be abandoned, hence they were reluctant) Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) gave this order thrice and no one responded. Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) then went into his tent, where Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) was, and he told her that the Sahabah were not responding to his call. Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) said: “O Allaah Ta?ala’s Nabi, do you wish that all of them remove their Ihraam? (If you wish to accomplish this then) Follow this plan. Go outside, speak to no one, slaughter your animal, call your barber and shave your head.” Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) followed this advice, and when the Sahabah saw this, they were all ready to do the same. All of them, then slaughtered their animals and shaved their heads (thereby removing their Ihraams).
Haafiz Ibn Hajar (rahmatullahi alaihi) states, regarding this advice of Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha):
“ during the occasion of Hudaibia, Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) realised that Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) was extremely intelligent and she was one with sound advice.”
Indeed, this incident proves her deep insight into human behaviour, in that she realised that people are ready to do what they see being done by their leader, rather than merely listening to orders.
Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) benefited greatly by the company of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), by memorising his (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)’s words and by constantly asking questions, she increased her knowledge. She then spread forth what she had learnt. She had students from amongst the Sahabah and Tabi?een. Hadhrat Aisha (radhiAllaahu anha) and Hadhrat Abdullah bin Abbaas (radhiAllahu anhu) were also counted as amongst her students. There are about 378 narrations of Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) reported in the Hadith Kitaabs. Mahmood bin Labeed (rahmatullahi alaihi) says that all the pure wives of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) used to learn the Ahadith of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) but none were equal to Hadhrats Umme Salma and Aisha (radhiAllaahu anhuma).
Marwaan bin Hakam used to ask Masaa?il from Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) and he used to say that who else can we ask when we have the wives of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) in our midst.
Once she was tying her hair, when she heard Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) saying “O people!…” she immediately stopped whatever she was doing and stood up and heard the entire Khutbah (the wives of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) were housed in the immediate vicinity of the Musjid-e-Nabawi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam).
Once she asked Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) that since her hair plaits were tied very tightly, should she untie it when making Ghusal-e-Janaabat. Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) told her that it would be sufficient to pour water over it thrice (whereby the roots of the hair MUST get wet).
Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) says that Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) taught her to read the following du?aa at the time of Maghrib Azaan:
“Oh Allaah Ta?ala this is the coming of Your night and the going of Your day and it is the time for the calling of Your sounds, do forgive me.”
Once Hadhrat Umme Salma and Maimoona (radhiAllaahu anhuma) were with Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), when Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umme Maktoom (radhiAllaahu anhu), who was blind, came into the presence of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). The two wives of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) thought that since he is blind they need not make Purdah from him, so they sat there. Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) told them to make Purdah from him. Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) asked: “O Rasulullaah, is he not blind? He cannot see us, so why is it necessary for us to observe Purdah?” Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) asked: “Are the two of you also blind? Can you not see him?”
Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) reports that Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “A person will seek refuge in the Kaaba and an army will follow him there, in order to fight him. When this army reaches a certain plain, they will all be swallowed into the earth.” Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) asked: “Oh Rasulullaah, those who are not part of the army, will they also be swallowed up into the earth?” Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “They will also be swallowed up, however, on the day of Qiyaamah, each one of them will be resurrected according to their intentions.”
Once Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) asked Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) if she will receive reward for spending upon the children of her (previous) husband, Abu Salma (radhiAllaahu anhu), even though they are also her children? Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) told her to spend upon them, because she will be rewarded (by Allaah Ta?ala).
Once Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) asked Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) that a man participates in Jihaad, whereas a woman does not. And a woman receives ½ the share of a man in inheritance (i.e. why is this?). In reply, Allaah Ta?ala revealed this Aayat: “And do not be covetous of those virtues which Allaah Ta?ala has blessed some over others.”
Once she asked Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) as to why women are not mentioned in the Qur?aan. To this Allaah Ta?ala revealed the following Aayat: “Verily the Muslim men and Muslim women and the believing men and believing women…”
Hadhrat Abu Bakr bin Abdur Rahman mentions: “I heard Hadhrat Abu Huraira (radhiAllaahu anhu) saying during a sermon, that if a person who is in the state of Janaabat (in need of a Fardh bath), and he stays in this condition until the morning then he cannot keep fast. I went to my father and narrated this to him. He was surprised at this mas?ala. My father and I went to Hadhrat Umme Salma and Aisha (radhiAllaahu anhuma) and asked them about this mas?ala. Both agreed that the mas?ala is incorrect. They said that (sometimes) Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) would make morning in the state of Janaabat and keep fast. And (they further stipulated that) this Janaabat was not out of a wet dream, in fact it was due to coitus.
After we heard this mas?ala, my father and I went to Marwaan bin Hakam, the governor of Madinah Munawwarah, and narrated the same to him. He said that we should go to Hadhrat Abu Huraira and make him retract his statement. We went to Hadhrat Abu Huraira (radhiAllaahu anhu) and narrated to him what we had heard from Hadhrat Umme Salma and Aisha (radhiAllaahu anhuma). He asked: “Have the two of them shown this mas?ala like this?” my father replied in the affirmative. Upon hearing this Hadhrat Abu Huraira (radhiAllaahu anhu) said: “They know more than me regarding this. Fadhl bin Abbaas has told me this (mas?ala like this). I have not heard it from Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam).” Thereafter, Hadhrat Abu Huraira (radhiAllaahu anhu) retracted from his original mas?ala.
Once Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) read the Qur?aan Shareef in the style of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and said that he (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) recited the Qur?aan in this manner that he (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) would pause at every Aayat. He (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) would recite “Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem” then pause, then he (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) would recite “Alhamdulillah hi Rabbil Aalameen”, then pause, etc…
Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) says that Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) had ordered her to keep three fasts every month.”
Once Hadhrat Abdur Rahman bin Auf (radhiAllaahu anhu) came in the presence of Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha), who narrated to him that Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) had said: “Some people who appear to be Muslims (but in reality are not Muslims), I will not see such people after their death nor will they see me.” Hadhrat Abdur Rahman bin Auf (radhiAllaahu anhu) narrated this to Hadhrat Umar (radhiAllaahu anhu) who went to Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) and asked her if he was included amongst such people. She replied in the negative and said that she will not divulge to anyone else after this regarding it (whether they are included amongst such people or not), because this is not appropriate (i.e. to divulge such information).
Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) personally nurtured and taught the children of Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha). Hadhrat Umar bin Abi Salma (radhiAllaahu anhu), the son of Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) reports: “When I was a child. I used to sit on the lap of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). Once when I was sitting with Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) at a meal, I was eating from all the sides of the plate. Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) told me to recite “Bismillah” before eating, eat with my right hand and eat from that which is in front of me.”
Once some beggars came and asked with obstinacy. Amongst them were some women as well. At that time there was someone with Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) in the house. She told the beggars to leave. When Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) heard this she said that we have not been ordered to do like this (i.e. chase beggars away without giving them something). She then told a small girl to give the beggars something or the other. Even it be a date.
Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) was diligent at carrying out “Amr bil Ma?roof” and “Nahy anil Munkar” (enjoining good and forbidding evil). Once Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) saw her nephew reading two Rakaats Salaat, and as he went into Sajdah, he dusted some sand from the ground. She immediately stopped him and said that this is an action contrary to the Sunnat of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam).
Once a slave (by the name of Aflah) did the very same thing in the presence of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and he (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “O Aflah, let your face touch the sand!”
Some of the Muslim Rulers changed the Masnoon times of Salaat, i.e they ignored the Mustahab (desirable) times. Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) said to them: “Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) used to read his Zuhr Salaat quickly and you read your Asr Salaat quickly.”
Hadhrat Umme Salma (radhiAllaahu anha) passed away in the year 59 A.H. Hadhrat Abu Huraira (radhiAllaahu anhu) performed the Janaaza Salaat. At that time she was 84 years old. This is the view of Waaqidi.
Some other Ulama record her (radhiAllaahu anha)’s demise to be in the year 61 or 62 A.H. She was the last of the wives of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) to pass away. May Allaah Ta?ala be pleased with her.
By Mufti Elias