Taraweeh Summary – NIGHT 6
This summary of the sixth Tarawîh covers the Seventh Juz.
Beginning of the Seventh Juz
Allâh also draws man’s attention to the fact that the person who forbids something that Allâh has permitted will be guilty of following his carnal desires [his nafs] instead of Allâh’s injunctions. An example of this is the concept of monasticism that the Christians devised by which they would totally forsake the world and forbid themselves Halâl pleasures. This concept is incorrect and impermissible.
Allâh also reminds the Mu’minîn that they will be taken to task for every oath that they fail to fulfil. The Kafâra [atonement] for breaching such a promise is that a person should either feed ten poor people, clothe them, set a slave free or fast for three days. Allâh also urges Muslims not to take intoxicants, not to gamble and not to divine the future. Allâh declares these acts to be Harâm (temptations) of Shaytân.
Sûrah Mâ’idah mentions how Allâh will question every Nabî about his nation. They will declare that they only did as they were told and that Allâh alone knows the reality of all hidden matters. The Sûrah also mentions the penalty for hunting an animal while in the state of Ihrâm. Of course, every such situation has its own unique set of circumstances, which will necessitate a unique ruling. These matters should be referred to the men of knowledge.
On the Day of Qiyâmah Allâh will remind Hadhrat Îsa Alayhis Salâm about his miraculous birth, about the various miracles that Allâh allowed him to perform and about the favours that Allâh bestowed on him and his mother Hadhrat Maryam (R.A). Allâh will then ask him, “O Îsa, son of Maryam! Did you tell the people, ‘Take myself and my mother both as deities instead of Allâh?'” Hadhrat Îsa will deny that he ever encouraged this and will accede, ‘You know what is in my heart… I only told them what You had commanded me with i.e. ‘Worship Allâh, Who is my Rabb and your Rabb!’ … If You punish them, then verily they are Your slaves, and if You pardon them, then surely You are the Mighty, the Wise.'” (verses 116-118 of Sûrah Mâ’idah).
Sûrah An’âm commences after Sûrah Ma’idah. Allâh mentions that it has always been the practice of the Kuffâr to ridicule the Ambiyâ and to call them wizards. However, Allâh’s Dîn will always conquer and rise, while the Kuffâr will suffer a terrible doom for their falsehood.
Whereas Allâh provides sustenance to people and does not require any sustenance from them, other gods cannot provide sustenance for their devotees but rather require sustenance from them. Allâh exhorts Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam not to be distressed about the aversion of the Kuffâr, but to be patient because Allâh will definitely assist him. The Sûrâh makes it clear that none will be required to account for the actions of another on the Day of Qiyâmah and every person will be held responsible for his/her own acts. On the Day of Qiyâmah the Kuffâr will come to learn the errors of their ways. On that day, all kingdoms will belong solely to Allâh and none shall have any say in any matter.
After describing how Hadhrat Ibrahîm recognised Allâh as his true Deity, Allâh tells the Quraysh of Makkah that his people denied him just as they (the Quraysh) deny the message of Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam. The conclusion is drawn from this that the Quraysh also stand to face the same destructive consequences as the people of Hadhrat Ibrahîm Alayhis Salâm did.
Allâh also points out that the worst oppressor is the one who lies about Allâh and who rebels against Allâh’s commands. Oppressors will never be successful, especially in the Âkhirâh. Allâh has promised that the Day of Qiyâmah shall take place. Allâh advises the Women never to swear the gods of others so that they do not retort by swearing Allâh.
End of Seventh Juz
Source: Gift of Tarawîh ( Mufti Elias )
Courtesy: www.everymuslim.co.za ?