Taraweeh Summary – NIGHT 19
This summary of the nineteenth Tarawîh covers the Twentieth Juz.
Beginning of the Twentieth Juz
Allâh also declares, “Say, ‘None in the heavens and the earth has knowledge of the unseen besides Allâh. They (others besides Allâh) do not even know when they will be resurrected (for the Day of Qiyâmah)” (verse 65). None besides Allâh has knowledge of when Qiyâmah will take place. However people are assured that “Indeed your Rabb knows what their hearts conceal and what they disclose.” (verse 74)
Towards the end of Sûrah Naml, Allâh describes the scene of Qiyâmah when He says, “The day when the trumpet will be blown and all within the heavens and the earth will be terrified, except those whom Allâh wills. They will all come to Allâh in humility. You will look at the mountains, thinking them to be solid, but they will be passing by like clouds. This is the doing of Allâh, Who perfects everything. Indeed He is informed of what you do. Whoever brings a good act, shall receive something better. And they will be safe from the terror of that day. Whoever brings a sin, they will fall on their faces in the Fire. ‘You are only recompensed for what you have perpetrated.”‘ (verses 87 to 90)
In concluding the Sûrah, Allâh assures man, “Your Rabb is not unaware of what you do.” (verse 93). Every person should therefore be wary of whatever s/he does.
Sûrah Qasâs commences after Sûrah Naml and recounts the entire incident of Hadhrat Mûsa and Fir’oun. The Sûrah also makes mention of Qârun and his immense fortune, which caused him to become extremely arrogant. As a result of his attitude, Allâh caused the ground to swallow him up along with all his wealth. Allâh then tells Rasulullâh Salallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam that he is informed of these narratives so that he may caution the Kuffâr. If they take heed, they stand a chance of being saved from Allâh’s terrible punishment. If not, they stand to face an awful doom.
Allâh then prompts the Kuffâr to thihk a while. Allâh says, “Say, ‘Tell me. If Allâh makes the night perpetual for you until the Day of Qiyâmah, which deity besides Him can bring light to you? Can you not hear?’ Say, ‘Tell me. If Allâh makes the day perpetual for you until the Day of Qiyârnah, which deity besides Him can bring night to you, wherein you may find peace? Can you not see?” (verses 71-72). Allâh states further in verse 73, “Due to His mercy, He has created the day and the night for you so that you may find peace therein, seek from His bounty, and express your gratitude to Him.”
Allâh exhorts Rasulullâh not to be grieved about the opposition that the Kuffâr pose because everything in this world is temporary. To highlight the transitory nature of the effects of this world, Allâh cites the example of Qârun. His people advised him saying, “Do not be boastful, for verily Allâh does not like the boastful ones.” (verse 76)
Allâh says further, “So he (Qârun) emerged among his people in pomp and splendour. Those who desired the world gaped, ‘If only we also possessed what Qârun has! Undoubtedly, he is extremely fortunate.’ Those who were granted knowledge said, ‘Woe to you! Allâh’s rewards are better for the one who believes and does good acts. Only the patient ones shall receive this’ (verses 79 and 80). As a result of his pride and failure to fulfil the obligatory rights of his riches, Allâh ‘plunged Qârun and his home within the ground.'” (verse 81)
This incident proves that everything besides Allâh shall perish even though a thing may seem great and powerful. Sûrah Qasâs ends on the note of Tauhîd where Allâh says, “Do not call to another deity with Allâh. There is none worthy of worship but Him. Everything shall perish besides His Countenance. All decisions rest with Him and to Him shall you all be returned.” (verse 88)
Sûrah Ankabût follows Sûrah Qasâs and it beautifully distinguishes between the true Mu’minîn and the Munâfiqîn as well as between those who are true and those who are false. The narratives of many Ambiyâ are also related. Allâh begins the Sûrah by stating, “Do people think that they will be left to say, ‘We believe!’ without being tested? We certainly tested those before them, and Allâh will definitely know about those who are true and He will definitely know the liars.” (verses 2-3)
Although Allâh has commanded man to be obedient to his parents, Allâh mentions in this Sûrah that parents should not be obeyed if they attempt to induce one to forsake Islâm. “The creation cannot be obeyed if the Creator would be disobeyed.” Allâh says, “The disbelievers say to the believers, ‘Follow our way and we will bear the burden of your sins.’ They will not carry any part of their sins. They are certain liars.” (verse 12)
Allâh then cites the incident of Hadhrat Nûh who preached to his nation for 950 years. Despite his tireless efforts, the vast majority of them refused to accept his message and were eventually drowned in the flood. Allâh then speaks of the annihilation of the nations of Hadhrat Ibrahîm Alayhis Salâm Hadhrat Lût Alayhis Salâm and Hadhrat Shu’ayb Alayhis Salâm.
There are many lessons that the Mu’minîn may learn from all these narratives. May Allâh bless us with fear for Him, humility and abstinence. May Allâh save us from the evils of pride, arrogance and boastfulness; and imbue the belief of Tauhîd within us. May He grant us the ability to exercise patience when tested and faced with adversities. Âmîn.
End of the Twentieth Juz
Source: Gift of Tarawîh ( Mufti Elias )
Courtesy: www.everymuslim.co.za ?