Tagged: haj

Sacrifice or Qurbani: Philosophy and Rules

Sacrifice or Qurbani: Philosophy and Rules

The Urdu and persian word Qurbani (Sacrificial slaughter) is derived from the Arabic word Qurban. Lexically, it means an act performed to seek Allah’s pleasure. Originally, the word Qurban included all acts of charity because the purpose of charity is nothing but to seek Allah’s pleasure. But, in precise religious terminology, the word was later confined to the sacrifice of an animal slaughtered for the sake of Allah.

The First Ten Days of Zul- Hijjah

The First Ten Days of Zul- Hijjah

The month of Zul-Hijjah is indeed a month of tremendous virtues and blessings. The First Ten Days of this month are especially significant and are among the most magnificent days in the Islamic calendar. It is reported from Ibn Abbaas(radhiyallahu anhu) that Rasulullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said: ” There is no day wherein any good action is more beloved to Allah Ta’ala than these ten days (the first ten days of Zul Hijjah)”.