EveryMuslim - Features Blog
Some of the Desirable (Mustahab) Conducts in Islam
Some of the Desirable (Mustahab) Conducts in
Excellence and virtue of La-ilaha-illallah
It is mentioned in a Hadeeth that everything has a cleanser, and the cleanser for the heart is Zikr. Haaji lmdaaduuah Muhaajir Makki (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) explains………
5 Results of Islamic Propagation
Adopt a gradual approach to propagation. Do as Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, did in his mission by beginning with the most important matters; then follow them up in order of priority. This was clearly demonstrated in the advice he gave to Mu’adh(radhiyallahu anhu) before he sent him to Yemen. “You will come upon a People of the Book (Jews and Christians), the first thing you should invite them to is to bear witness
Forty Ahaadith on the recitation and teaching of the Noble Qur’aan
t is reported from Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas’ood (Radhiallahu anhu) that Rasulullaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) stated that “Whosoever read one letter from the Kitaab of Allaah (Qur’aan), will be granted one reward for it and one is equal to ten. I do not say that Aleeef, Laam, Meem is one letter but Aleef is one letter, Laam is one letter and Meem is one letter. ” ( Narrated by Tirmidhi – Hasan Sahih ).