Miscellaneous Masaail of Taraweeh
It is Sunnatul Muakkadah to perform 20 Rakaats of Taraweeh with jama’ah. If the entire community omits performing Taraweeh with Jama’ah, all will be sinful for this omission. By performing the taraweeh with the congregation at home the virtue will be obtained. However the additional reward of 27 times which is obtained by joining the congregation of the Musjid will not be obtained.
For the purposes of Taraweeh one made the intention of performing “the salaah of the nights of Ramadhaan,” or “Taraweeh,” or merely the intention of performing the “Sunnah,” or the intention of “following the Imaam,” all these intentions will be valid and the Taraweeh will be fulfilled. Merely intending to perform salaah or making the intention of nafil salaah will not suffice for Taraweeh.
If after the Taraweeh it was discovered that the Esha salaah was null and void due to the Imaam having left out a fundamental aspect of salaah, or having forgotten to make wudhu, etc., the Esha as well as the Taraweeh must be repeated.
The Imaam should recite Bismillah aloud, in the same tone that he is reciting the rest of the Qur’an, at least once in Taraweeh. This could be done at the beginning of any surah.
During the recitation in Taraweeh some aayats were missed. The error was only realised after having recited some portion of the Qur’an after the missed aayats. The missed aayats must now be recited. In this case it will be preferable to repeat the recitation of the section of the Qur’an that was already recited after the missed aayats.
After the Imaam made salaam, the muqtadies (followers) differed in whether the Imaam had performed two rakaats or three rakaats. In such a situation the view of the Imaam will be given preference.
It is most virtuous to perform the sajda tilaawat immediately after reciting the aayat of sajda. If he recites more than three aayats and did not as yet perform the sajda, the time for that sajda tilaawat has elapsed. Now it cannot be fulfilled in salaah nor outside salaah. The only recourse is tauba and istighfaar (repentance).
The Imaam performed sajda tilaawat after having recited an aayah of sajda which appears at the end of the surah. After rising from the sajda tilaawat he should not proceed immediately into ruku (due to having completed the sura). He should first recite at least three aayats before going into ruku.
If Taraweeh had already been performed in a Musjid with jama’ah, on the same night another Taraweeh salaah may not be performed with Jama’ah in the same Musjid. It could nevertheless be performed individually. (Bahr)
It is permissible to perform the Esha behind one Imaam and the Taraweeh and witr behind another Imaam. (Kabiri)
It is not permissible to appoint a boy who is not yet baaligh (i.e. he has not reached puberty) to lead the Taraweeh Salaah. However if those who are following him are also all children (not baaligh) it will be permissible. (Kabiri, Khaniya)
If the Imaam of one’s Musjid does not recite the Qur’an correctly, it is permissible to go to another Musjid to fulfil the Taraweeh Salaah. (Alamghiri)
It is makrooh tahrimi to appoint a person to perform Taraweeh Salaah for a fixed salary. (Alamghiri)
A person has already performed his Taraweeh Salaah, either as an Imaam or as a follower. He now cannot lead another congregation in Salaah elsewhere on the same night. However, if he joins another jamaat of Taraweeh elsewhere as a follower with the intention of performing nafil, it is permissible. (Kabiri)
After every four rakaats it is mustahab to remain sitting for the duration of time that it took to perform the four rakaats. The same applies after the last four rakaats. However, if the followers find this onerous and tiring, it may be left out. (Aalmaghiri).
During the “rest” after every four rakaats there are no specific duas to be recited. One is at liberty to either recite tasbeehs, or recite the Qur’an, or perform nafil, etc. Certain duas have also been narrated. They too could be recited.
It is best to perform the Taraweeh in units of two rakaats each. To perform it in units of four rakaats (with salaam only being made after the fourth rakaat). To perform eight rakaats all together with salaam only after the eight rakaat is also permissible (though the virtue of resting briefly after four rakaats will not be attained). To perform more than eight rakaats with one salaam is makrooh.
A person reached the Musjid while the Taraweeh had already commenced. In this case he should first perform his fardh of Esha and the sunatul muakkadah and then join the Taraweeh Salaah. The Taraweeh that was missed must be fulfilled after the witr salaah or during the “rest” after four rakaats if this is possible. The jamaat of Taraweeh and witr should not be omitted to complete the missed rakaats.
The Imaam is performing the second or third shaf’ah (unit of two rakaats). A person joined the Imaam with the intention of performing the first shaf’ah. His Salaah is valid in this case.
If the Taraweeh was completely missed for whatever reason, there is no qaza for it – neither with jamaat nor individually. If a person does perform “qaza” for it, it will not be “qaza” but rather it will be nafil. (Missing Taraweeh in the context refers to not having performed it until subah saadiq appears i.e. until the time of Esha expires.) (Bahr)
The Imaam did NOT make qa’dah upon two rakaats. He only made qa’dah after the fourth rakaat. In this case only the second two rakaats will be considered as Taraweeh. (Kabiri).
If after the witr was performed it was realized that, for example, two rakaats of Taraweeh were not performed (only 18 rakaats were performed), the two rakaats that were left out must be performed with jama’ah after witr.
Upon completion of the Taraweeh Salaah it was realized that only 19 rakaats in total were performed. Somewhere during the course of the Taraweeh only one rakaat instead of two was performed. Hence now another two rakaats should be performed to make up for the deficiency. The rest of the Taraweeh is in order. i.e. only the incomplete two rakaats must be repeated. (Kabiri)
When the shaf’ah that was nullified (due to any reason) is repeated, the portion of the Qur’an that was recited therein must also be repeated so that the khatam is completed. (Khaniya)
After the Imaam made the salaam the muqtadis differed as to whether only one rakaat was performed or two. In this case whatever the Imaam is certain about will be acted upon.
If the Imaam and all the muqtadis are in doubt as to whether eighteen rakaats Taraweeh were fulfilled or twenty, another two rakaats must be performed by everybody individually. (Kabiri)
If all the muqtadis are in doubt but the Imaam is certain about a specific number of rakaats, he must act according to his certainty. He should not pay any attention to the doubt of the muqtadis. (Kabiri)
If some muqtadis are of the view that only eighteen rakaats were completed while others believe that twenty rakaats were fulfilled, the number of rakaats that the Imaam is certain about will be acted upon. (Kabiri)
If a person fulfils the Taraweeh Salaah while sitting without a valid excuse, the Salaah will still be valid. However, he will only obtain half the reward. (Alamghiri)
It is makrooh to idly sit and wait for the Imaam to go into ruku before joining him. This resembles the manner of the hypocrites. (Kabiri)
If sleep overpowers a person, he should first rest and then fulfil the Taraweeh Salaah. (Shaami)
To keep counting the number of rakaats that have been completed is makrooh. This is a sign of one being bored. (Khaniya)
It is preferable that the major portion of the night be spent in Taraweeh.
It is preferable to complete the Qur’an on the twenty seventh night. (Bahr)
A person joined the Imaam when the Imaam had already commenced the Qiraat. In this case he (the muqtadi) must not recite the thana. (Kabiri)
A masbooq (one who missed one or more rakaats with the Imaam) erroneously said the salaam upon the completion of the Imaam’s Salaah without having yet completed his missed rakaats. If he said the salaam before the Imaam, no sajdah sahw is necessary. If he said the salaam after the Imaam had uttered just the word “As Salaam,” he must perform sajda sahw after completing his missed rakaats. (Muheet)
It is most virtuous to perform the sajda tilawat immediately after reciting the aayat of sajda. The sajda tilawat will also be fulfilled if, after reciting the aayat of sajdah, the Imaam completed the rakaat and went into ruku with the intention of fulfilling sajda tilawat as well. In the latter case if no intention was made to fulfil the sajda tilawat when going into ruku, the sajda tilawat will automatically be fulfilled together with the sajdah of the salaah. All the above aspects only apply if, after reciting the aayat of sajdah the Imaam did not recite more than three aayats. If he recited more than three aayats and did not as yet go into ruku or sajdah, the time for that sajdah tilawat has elapsed. Now it cannot be fulfilled in salaah nor outside salaah. The only recourse is tauba and istighfaar (repentance).
[With regrard to acting according to the above mas’ala (of the permissibility of fulfilling the sajda tilawat in ruku or together with the sajda of salaah), one should not unnecessarily put the muqtadies into confusion.]
Sajdah Tilawat is waajib on the reciter and on the one who hears the recitation.
In surah Haj the first sajdah is waajib, not the second. (Muheet)
The Imaam recited an aayat of sajdah and performed the sajda. A person (who had not yet joined the salaah) heard the recitation of the aayat of sajda. If he then joins the Imaam in the same rakaat after the Imaam had performed the sajda tilawat, the sajda tilawat of the muqtadi is also fulfilled. If the muqtadi missed the rakaat in which the sajda tilawat was made, he must make the sajda tilawat out of salaah for the recitation that he heard.
The Imaam DID NOT SIT after two rakaats. Rather, he proceeded to perform the third and fourth rakaats and only made salaam at the end of the fourth rakaat. In this case if he made sajda sahw after the fourth rakaat, only the SECOND TWO RAKAATS will be regarded as Taraweeh. Whatever portion of the Qur’an was recited in the FIRST two rakaats must be repeated. (Footnotes of Imdadul Fataawa v. 1, p. 497)
The Imaam errs in his recitation during taraweeh salaah. The Saami’ (the Hafiz that is following the recitation of the Imaam) corrects him. In order to listen carefully to the correction of the Saami’ the Imaam may remain silent for the duration that the Saami’ takes to correct him. In this case no sajda sahw is necessary (Fataawa Rahimiya; v.4, p. 393).
If a Saami’ has been appointed, only he should correct any error in the recitation of the Imaam. Others should not be hasty to correct the Imaam. This results in confusion. However, if the Saami’ did not manage to correct the Imaam, it is necessary upon whoever is able to correct the Imaam to do so irrespective of which row he may be standing in. If he refrains from correcting the Imaam despite having the ability to do so, he will be sinful. (Fataawa Rahimiyya, v.3, p. 84)
To announce that sajda tilaawat will be performed in a certain rakaat is not established in the sunnah. Such an announcement never existed in the time of the Sahaaba, Tabi’een or those after them. The Fuqaha have also not mentioned any such practice. There is therefore no basis for this announcement. However, if some muqtadies are following the Imaam from a different level of the Musjid from where the actions of the Imaam and those with him cannot be seen, and there is a strong possibility that these muqtadies (on another level of the Musjid) will fall into error and go into ruku instead of Sajda, it will be permissible to make the announcement. It must be noted though that this ruling does not apply to all places (- it only applies where the genuine necessity exists). (Fataawa Rahimiyya, v.4; p.245 – summary of fatwa)
If a Hafiz performs Taraweeh Salaah with Jama’ah at home, it is permissible provided that the Jama’ah in the Musjid also continues. Nevertheless, the Esha Salaah must always be performed in the Musjid.
In the third rakaat of the witr salaah the Imaam forgot to recite the qunoot and went into ruku immediately after reciting the surah. If he remembers in ruku that he missed out the qunoot, he should now not return to the qiyaam posture to recite the qunoot. Instead he should continue with his salaah and perform sajda sahw at he end (Fataawa Mahmoodia, v.2, pg. 183).
(All the above masaail have been taken from Fataawa Mahmoodia, vol. 2)
Source: Jamiat-kzn
Courtesy: www.everymuslim.co.za ?