Indecent Publications
INDECENT PUBLICATIONS: a disturbing trend
Quran: Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty. (Surah Nur)
Nudity and nakedness has always been a feature of the many publications in this country. Pictures of semi-naked women in commercial advertisements and news articles, for example, are almost universal in our newspapers and magazines, including many innocent ones meant for domestic consumption. Although the obscenity in many of these instances is merely incidental and not the primary object, it has always been questionable for Muslims to either sell or allow into their homes some of these publications, since nudity in any form is highly undesirable and destructive spiritually.
To make matters worse, however, the recent relaxation of censorship laws in this country has resulted in a steady flow of literature and publications that were previously banned in this country. Included amongst these are soft-port magazines such as the ‘Hustler’, ‘Playboy’, ‘Penthouse’, and a hose of others. In these magazines, the indecency and nudity is obviously the sole or primary objective, and not just ‘by the way’ as is the case in the afore-mentioned magazines.
A Muslim is supposed to be the custodian and guardian of morality, not only for the believers, but also for the benefit of the community at large. It is his duty to fight and stop evil in the first place, failing which the least he should do is to ensure that he is not a party to it’s propagation. Sadly, some Muslim business-people have instead become willing participants in propagating immorality.
Muslim business – owners and managers in any locality who stock any of these offensive magazines should be made aware by their Muslim customers that they find it totally unacceptable.
Remember, if we remain indifferent to this transgression that is being committed by a few amongst us, there is a danger of us all being guilty of the same sin in the eyes of the Almighty by virtue of our silence.
Jamiatul Ulama (Transvaal)