Huffaaz & Taraweeh
Salaat is a great bounty of Allah Ta’ala upon His servants. It is that special audience that Allah Ta’ala grants to His servants so that they may communicate with Him. How fortunate we are that the King of all Kings – Allah Ta’ala – brings us to His House (the Masjid); and talking to us affords us the opportunity to communicate with Him. It is therefore incumbent upon us that we show gratitude and appreciation to Allah Ta’ala for giving us the guidance and Tawfeeq to perform Salaat in the best possible manner.
Unfortunately great disregard is shown on our part as to the type of Huffaaz that we appoint to lead the congregation for Taraweeh. In many Masaajid, it is noticed that the Hafiz/Hufaaz is totally unfit (Islamically) to lead the Taraweeh Salaat. Many are young boys not even aware of the basic rules governing Salaat. Some are only seen in the Masjid in Ramadhaan. Many do not keep a Shar’ee length beard (one fist), they wear their pants below the ankles (which is Haraam), indulge in listening to music, watching TV Programmes and commit other sins openly in the months before Ramadhaan.
Imaamat of a Hafiz Who Shaves To shave the beard is Haraam and in the light of Shari’ah, the one who shaves the beard is a Faasiq (sinner). Thus, to make such a person an Imaam is not permissible. To follow such an Imaam is Makrooh Tahrimi (Shami). The Beard of a Hafiz is Less than a Fist Length If the Hafiz who cuts his beard less than a fist length is the only one in the locality, and if a better Imaam is found (even if he is not a Hafiz), then do not make the Hafiz who cuts his beard an Imaam. (Kifaayatul Fataawa). It is recorded in Imdaadul Fataawa concerning a person who cuts or trims his beard (less than a fist length) that he is a Faasiq (sinner). It is not permissible to make such a person Imaam. Salaat behind him is Makrooh. (Tahrimi). It is not permissible to honour a person who cuts or trims his beard, by making him an Imaam.It is proven from the Hadith that to cut and trim the beard when it is not more than the fist length is Haraam. (Fataawa Darul Uloom). A person is not deserving or fit to be Imaam if his beard is contrary to the Shari’ah, deals in interest or other non-permissible business transactions. To follow him is Makrooh. (Tahrimi). If the Imaam promises to discard his bad habits (i.e. shaving, wearing un-Islamic dress, hair-style and moving bare-headed), he can be appointed Imaam. If he refuses to change then he is not deserving of the post of Imaamat. (Fataawa Rahimiyyah).
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