It is narrated by Hazrat Abu Sa’îd Khudri that on the Day of Eidul Fitr and Eidul Adha, Nabî Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam used to go out to the Musallâ [Eidgah]. The first thing he commenced with was Salât and thereafter he would turn facing towards the people for delivering the Khutbah whilst the people remained seated in their Saffs.
It is narrated by Hazrat Abû Hurairah Radhiallahu anhu that it rained on an Eid Day, so Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam performed the Eid Prayer for the people in the Masjid. Commentary: From the first hadîth we come to know that this was the common practice of Nabî Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. The Eid Salâh A,as performed on the outskirts of Madinah Munawwarah in such a place which was stipulated for this, as if the Eidgah land was stipulated. At this time it did not even have four walls around it, it was just an open land. Its distance was approximately 1000 footsteps away from Masjide Nabawi. (Mariful Hadîth, Vol. 3, P.399) From the second hadeeth we learn that only on one occasion due to rain Eid prayers were performed in the Masjid of Nabî Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
Masa’il Regarding the Eidgah & the Eid Salât
Complying to the Sunnat, performing of the Eid Salâh on the outskirts of the town is better and more virtuous, than performing it in the town. (Fatâwâ Darul Ulûm, Vol 5, P. 208) The Eid Salâh should be a huge gathering on the outskirts of the town. In this way the might and power of Islam is manifested. In the big cities it is difficult to make Eidgah on the outskirts of the city, therefore a huge open plain should be chosen for the Eidgah or according to the need, it can be performed in the Masjid, which will be correct. But as far as possible, one huge gathering is more superior compared to many small Eidgahs. (Ahsanul Fatâwâ, Vol. 4, P. 119) Performing of the Eid Salâh in the Eidgah is Sunnat-e-Muak’kadah. Without any valid excuse, the one who does not perform his Eid Salât in the Eidgah is worthy of being reprimanded and taken to task and this kind of a person is a sinner. If the Eidgah is a distance away and it is inconvenient for the old and sickly, then the Jurists have given permission for them to perform Eid Salât in the Masjid. (Fatâwâ Rahimiyah, Vol. 1, P.276)
The Eid Salât performed in the Masjid is complete, but performing it in the Eidgah is Sunnat. Without any valid excuse, not to read the Eid Salât in the Eidgah is contrary to the Sunnah. (Fatâwâ Ddrul Ulûm, Vol. 5, P.2261
The one who revives a Sunnah in the time of corruption will receive the reward of 100 martyrs (Hadîth)
Published and Printed by: Madrasah Arabia Islamia Azaadville South Africa
Courtesy: www.everymuslim.co.za ?