Hafsa (r.a.) – wife of Rasulullah (saw)
She was the daughter of Hadhrat Umar (radhiAllaahu anhu), who was the second Khalifah of Islaam. She accepted Islaam in the beginning stages of Islaam. She came...
An Al-Islaah Publication
She was the daughter of Hadhrat Umar (radhiAllaahu anhu), who was the second Khalifah of Islaam. She accepted Islaam in the beginning stages of Islaam. She came...
Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) married Hadhrat Aisha (radhiAllaahu anha) and Hadhrat Saudah (radhiAllaahu anha) in the same year, when Hadhrat Khadija (radhiAllaahu anha) passed away…
She is the daughter of Hadhrat Abu Bakr (radhiAllaahu anhu). There is a difference of opinion regarding her mother’s name. Some said it was Zainab, but she...
Hadhrat Khadija (radhiAllaahu anha) was the first wife of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and she was the mother of Hadhrat Faatima (radhiAllaahu anha) and she was the Nani...