Category: Miscelleanous

Dates from Oman

Dates from Oman

Temperatures can climb to 48 degrees Celsius (or around 120 degrees Fahrenheit) in the summer, which is bearable in our area only because the climate is so dry, and because we have air-conditioning….

Our children in Ramadhaan

Our children in Ramadhaan

Generally speaking, children are not required to fast Ramadan until they reach the “age of maturity.” However, scholars believe that parents should train them to fast a few days……

Education of children in Ramadan

Education of children in Ramadan

Children (who did not reach puberty) are not commanded to fast. However, their parents or guardians are strongly recommended to encourage them to fast few days so that they get used to it and they grow up knowing……….

Ramadan- Experiences of a 14 year old girl

Ramadan- Experiences of a 14 year old girl

Hi! My name is Sehreen . I am 14 years old. I live in Birmingham in an area called Sparkbrook. I live with my family. I am 5 feet 2inch and a medium built. I have dark brown hair and brown eyes. The school I go to…