Why Fast ?
It has been related from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah (Radhiallaahu anhu), he says that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam) said: “Whomsoever fasts during the month of Ramadaan out of deep sincere faith……..
An Al-Islaah Publication
It has been related from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah (Radhiallaahu anhu), he says that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam) said: “Whomsoever fasts during the month of Ramadaan out of deep sincere faith……..
O ye who believe! Fasting is ordained for you, even as it was ordained for those before you, that ye may guard yourself (against evil)”...
The fasts that have been missed for some reason or the other have to be kept after Ramadaan as soon as possible. One should not delay in keeping these……
Siyam is among the fundamental acts of Ibadat. It has been ordained by Allah Ta’ala for the development of taqwa (piety) in the Mu’mineen. Fasting is extremely………
Since the dominance and power of bestial attributes are caused by eating, drinking and excessive indulgence in lowly desires – the latter playing the dominant role in the assertion of bestial attributes…
Fasting in the days of Ramadhan is obligatory (Fard) on every Muslim. The one who does not believe it to be obligatory is not a Muslim, and the one who, without a valid excuse, does not fast in a day of Ramadhan is a sinner……