Prophet Ibraheem (Alayhis salaam)
Lineage His lineage according to the Torah and history is as follows:Ibrahim, son of Tarikh, son of Nahur, son of Saruj, son of Ra’oo, son of...
An Al-Islaah Publication
Lineage His lineage according to the Torah and history is as follows:Ibrahim, son of Tarikh, son of Nahur, son of Saruj, son of Ra’oo, son of...
In the Quran Saleh (Alayhis salaam) has been mentioned in the following eight verses of the Quran: 7:73, 75, 77; 11: 61, 62, 66, 89; 26: 142...
Nuh (Alaihis salaam) the first messenger,After Adam (Alaihis Salaam). Nuh (Alaihis Salaam) was also the first messenger to be endowed with prophethood (risalat). In a narration of...
In the Quran: Idrees (Alaihis salaam) is mentioned in only 2 verses of the Holy Quran viz: 1. “Remember Idrees (in the Quran). Undoubtedly he was a...
Another son When Ibrahim (Alaihis salaam) was 100 years old, Allah gave him glad tidings of a son from his second wife, Sarah. He was told to...
Birth Ibrahim (Alaihis salaam) was deprived of children for a long period. One day he supplicated to Allah to grant him a son. “O my Sustainer, grant...
In the Quran Hud (Alaihis salaam) has been mentioned 7 times in the Quran in the following verses: 7:65; 11:50,53,58,60,89; 26:124 Aad The nation of Hud (Alaihis...
Lut and Ibrahim (Alalyhumas salaam) Lut (Alayhis salaam) was the nephew of Ibrahim (Alayhis salaam). His father’s name was Haraan. Lut (Alayhis salaam) was brought up by Ibrahim...