Category: Prohibited Actions
Islam teaches that homosexual acts are sinful and punishable by God. This teaching comes not from human beings, but from the Creator of all humans. God tells us in His own words how He punished the people of Lot for their homosexual behaviour.
Are you one of those who check out ladies on the streets , bus , train or anywhere you see them ? You check her out and in a flash you can tell all about her size and shape. You can also tell color of her lipstick , how her hair was done and what clothes she was wearing , etc ,etc ….
In these days of excess entertainment and consumption, it is easy to get caught up in the so-called “holiday season”, rarely stopping to consider its significance. I say so-called, because the very word holiday is derived from the two words holy and day. However, under closer scrutiny from the Judeo-Christian and Islamic perspectives, these days are anything but holy. Celebrations such as Easter, Christmas, All Saint’s Day, and Halloween all find their roots in pagan traditions, alien to the prophets (may peace and blessings be upon all of the prophets).
Lying is an evil characteristic, which all religions and systems of ethics warn against and which man’s innate common sense (fitrah) agrees that it is wrong. Those who possess chivalry and sound reason also say this.
Question: THE FIRST OF APRIL is regarded as a day to play practical jokes on people. Generally a person is told something which perturbs or even shocks him. However he shortly thereafter realizes that what he was told is not true but it was rather a joke. According to the Shariah is it permissible to play such practical jokes on people?…………
He should not celebrate it, or join others in their celebrations of it, or attend their celebrations, because of the evidence quoted above which shows that it is forbidden to celebrate the festivals of the kuffaar. ..
February 14th, also known as Valentine’s Day, is that time of the year that has commonly been associated with love and romance. Valentine’s Day has become synonymous with greeting cards, red roses, teddy bears and a whole host of other paraphernalia that are exchanged …
Consider Valentine’s Day, a day that after dying out a well deserved death in most of Europe (but surviving in Britain and United States) has suddenly started to emerge across a good swath of Muslim countries. Who was Valentine? Why is this day observed? Legends abound, as they do in all such cases….