Category: Important Days, Events & Occurences

The Story of Ibrahim(as)’s Sacrifice

The Story of Ibrahim(as)’s Sacrifice

Brothers and Sisters, all of us know the story of Ibrahim(as)’s sacrifice  and we say that it was a test by Allah (ta’ala). But do we really understand  what Ibrahim(as) went through ? Do we appreciate what it was like to be Ibrahim(as) ?Can we grasp in thought what happened ? Why is it that we regard  Ibrahim(as) as the father of faith ? What was it that he achieved ?

The Meaning of Eid

The Meaning of Eid

Each Eid is a wholesome celebration of a remarkable achievement of the individual Muslim in the service of Allah SWT. The first Eid comes after an entire month of ‘absolute’ fasting during the days of the month. The second Eid marks the completion of Hajj to Makkah, a course in which the Muslim handsomely demonstrates his renouncement of the mundane concerns and hearkens only to the eternal voice of Allah SWT.

Sacrifice or Qurbani: Philosophy and Rules

Sacrifice or Qurbani: Philosophy and Rules

The Urdu and persian word Qurbani (Sacrificial slaughter) is derived from the Arabic word Qurban. Lexically, it means an act performed to seek Allah’s pleasure. Originally, the word Qurban included all acts of charity because the purpose of charity is nothing but to seek Allah’s pleasure. But, in precise religious terminology, the word was later confined to the sacrifice of an animal slaughtered for the sake of Allah.