Category: Duas
Some Supplications for the First 10 Days of Hajj
Oh Allah, please forgive me for all of the evil that I have done. You are so Merciful and kind, please forgive me, and help me stay away from all that’s wrong. It’s so hard for me, and I’m so weak but You are the Strong. Please increase me in sincerity….
Dua to Read after the Recitation of the Qur’an
1. Allahumma aa-nis wah-shati fi-qabri. 2. Allahummar hamni bil-qur’an-nil azeem waj-‘al-hu li imam-mow wa-nur-row wa-hu-dow wa-rahmah. 3. Allahumma dhakkirni minhu ma nussietu, wa ‘alimni minhu ma jahiltu, war zuqni tilaawatahu aa-na-allaili...
Dua on the 15 th of Sha’ban
Nabi SAW read the above dua in sajda on the 15th night of Sha’ban. [Targheeb] A’uzu bi afwika min iqabik wa auzu bi...
Etiquette of making Duaa
The one who is making du’aa’ should believe in Tawheed with regard to the divinity, Lordship, names and attributes of Allaah. His heart should be filled with Tawheed. In order for Allaah to respond to the du’aa’…
The Excellence of Supplicating in one’s Absence
Allah, the Exalted, says: “And those who came after them say: ?Our Rubb! Forgive us and our brethren who have preceded us in Faith.”’ (59:10) “And ask forgiveness...
Dua by Sheikh Gamidi in mp3 ( with English Translation )
Download the Dua by Sheikh Ghamdi in MP3 (Right-click and choose Save Target As) English Meaning Translated by Dr. S. Ahmad Oh Allah, all praise is due to...
Rulings on Supplication during Sajdah
Supplication during Sajdah is permissible, but the following points should always be kept in mind…………