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History of Al Aqsa Masjid

History of Al Aqsa Masjid

In Jerusalem, Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) also established a place of worship. This place would later be known as The House Of Allah (God), or Beteyel. Forty years after the construction of Kaba, Prophet Ibrahim….

40 Ahadith Concerning Masjid Al-Aqsa

40 Ahadith Concerning Masjid Al-Aqsa

Abu Darda (ra) relates that the Prophet (saw) said, “A prayer in Makkah (Ka’bah) is worth 1000,000 times (reward), a prayer in my Masjid (Madinah) is worth 1,000 times and a prayer in Al-Aqsa Sanctuary is worth 500 times

A touching story of Compassion

A touching story of Compassion

On seeing Moulana, the student’s eyes filled with tears. Moulana consoled him and said to him, “Fear not, Insha Allah, you will soon recover.” Thereafter Moulana remained in sajdah for a long