A Sample Letter: To your child’s Non-Muslim teacher
The following is a sample letter that can be written to your Child’s Non-Muslim TEACHER OR PRINCIPAL to create an awareness of Ramadhaan at the school level. This gives Muslims the opportunity to educate Non-Muslms on Fasting, Ramadhaan etc. This is a very useful avenue for Dawah and education. The contents can be edited to suit different situations and needs.
Monday October 22, 2002
Dear Mr. Staten:
Greetings of Peace. We are the parents of Ameen Thawban, who is a grade five student in your class. We would like to bring to your attention the upcoming Islamic month of Ramadan, its implications for Ameen and what you can do as his homeroom teacher.
Given the current climate of fear, grief and intolerance in the wake of the events of September 11, 2001, we hope that you will seriously consider our request not just for the sake of Ameen, but also that of the other children in the class who are probably still confused about various elements of this tragedy.
Ramadan is the ninth month of the lunar Islamic calendar. This year, it is expected to begin on November 6, depending on when the new moon, which indicates the beginning of a new lunar month, is sighted.
Muslims who have reached puberty, are required to fast during this month. The fasting entails abstaining from food, drink and sex between dawn and sunset each day during the month of Ramadan, which lasts 29 or 30 days.
Although Ameen is not yet at an age where he is required to fast, he looks forward to Ramadan every year. Last year he fasted the entire month of Ramadan without it negatively affecting his health or his marks! We would like to encourage Ameen’s participation in Ramadan again this year to cultivate his spiritual growth as a Muslim. We hope that you will support us in this decision, in the interests of Ameen, other Muslim children like him in your class, as well as tolerance and openness to diversity as part of the children’s learning experience.
We have enclosed a sheet from the Council on Islamic Education (see enclosed sheet called Ramadaan explained) which can give you more information. This sheet also provides some excellent ideas of activities teachers can use in class to increase awareness and understanding of Ramadan. We would also encourage having Ameen and other Muslim students do presentations explaining Ramadan for the benefit of the class.
We would like to meet with you to discuss and seek your advice on further issues surrounding religious celebrations and holidays, so that students of other religious backgrounds can not only grow academically in your class but spiritually as well.
If you can kindly contact us so that we may set up a meeting this week or next week, it would be greatly appreciated. You may call us at home at (123) 555-0000 in the evenings or Mr. Thawban’s office during the day at (123) 444-0000.
We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time and attention.
Mr and Mrs. Affan Thawaban.
Source: soundvision
Courtesy: www.everymuslim.co.za